Matched by Ally Condie
The first thing that draws you into this book is the cover, the simple image really catches your eye. It is just a pretty book.
Matched is about Cassia who lives in a society where most things are government controlled including who you are matched with for life. The government officials enforce the rules and also spring to life when there is upheaval or ideas that need re-adjusting. Each member of society must carry around a case of pills; one pill can be taken during times of stress and another taken at an officials insistence. The story opens up with Cassia's match ceremony and starts the story off to discuss choices and freedoms. The story was centered around love and very far from the fighting and conflict of most dystopian novels. In the events that follow, you think about what choices were really Cassia's and what choices were sparked because of the governments intervention. I would have liked more back story about the boys and if the next two books don't pick up the story of Xander, I would probably enjoy the author venturing into his story. The story goes into great detail about day to day life, food, exercise, death, etc, which is interesting and shows how controlled the people of the society are.
The end of the book leaves you with a cliffhanger for the second book in the trilogy.
Overall the book was fairly easy to read although a little slow paced, understandably since it is marketed for YAs. I really liked the shift from the dystopian "fighting" themes.
400 Pages
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